390 W Hwy 80, Somerset, KY 42501 listing details

$ 269,000
  • Property Type: Realty
  • Status: Available
  • Status Type:
  • Buildings: 1
  • Added: 05/25/2014
  • Last Update: 06/05/2014
  • Roof: Unknown
  • Style: Other
About 390 W Hwy 80, Somerset, KY 42501 This property would be ideal for many uses! The upstairs is finished with mainly open areas and offices. There are also 2 bathrooms. The downstairs features storage with 2 additional bathrooms and offices. There are 2 overhead doors pulled back. Lots of parking and it even has an extra lot if you need additional parking space. Very clean!! Great building with lots of potential for an even better price. You could buy to lease out! This property is close to the hospital and main artery of town. Check it out today!

Real Estate Listing in Somerset on 390 W Hwy 80 data

Property was placed For Sale on www.corbizrealestate.com at 05/25/2014. This Unspecified Real Estate listing was updated on the web site on Thu Jun 05/2014 09:23:28. The status of the Unspecified Real Estate is For Sale that allows of any future consumers can ask about this property. The value of the property is $269000.00. This Unspecified Real Estate doesn't includes images assigned to it.

Unspecified Real Estate Geo Location

The Unspecified Real Estate placement are: 390 W Hwy 80, Somerset, KY 42501. You can review Google StreetView and Map to get Full information about Unspecified Real Estate Geo Location.

Agent contact information

You will surely find the all your questions are answered by realtor plus they will help you in reviewing the property as well as closing the deal if you wish to proceed. If you want to follow up more on this listing, you can meet with Coldwell Banker Foster Real Estate by the following contact info: (606) 678-4663 .

Residential property for sale.

Contact Info

Coldwell Banker Foster Real Estate: [email protected], (606) 678-4663 5383 S. Highway 27, Somerset, KY 42501

Details Info about this row that located on 390 W Hwy 80, Somerset, KY 42501 was got from trusty sources, but Corbiz Real Estate can't guarantee that details about listing price, status, facts, images and owner are correct, because this listing can be changed or removed from market without notice. If You need to receive additional details about this property try to ask directly listing agent or owned.

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