7 - 13919 S West Bayshore Drive, Traverse City, MI 49684 listing details

  • 7 - 13919 S West Bayshore Drive Traverse City, MI 49684
$ 450,000
  • Property Type: Realty
  • Status: Available
  • Status Type:
  • Building Size: 2,548 SF
  • Buildings: 1
  • Added: 11/09/2013
  • Last Update: 02/16/2014
  • Roof: Asphalt
  • Style: Other
  • Heat: Forced Air
  • Amenities: Basement
About 7 - 13919 S West Bayshore Drive , Traverse City, MI 49684 Unit 7 offers seven private offices, an open office area, one conference room and a kitchenette. Minutes north of downtown Traverse City, the property is located just northeast of the corner of East Traverse Highway and S. West Bay Shore Drive. Built in 2001, this striking three-story, 12-unit building consists of ten (10) premier commercial office condominium units ranging from 251 SF - 2,837 SF on the bottom three floors. Unit 3 has been built out as a large private vault and storage area. Two privately owned residential condominium units comprise the top floor. The waterfront development sits on 1.3 acres with over 467 of frontage along West Grand Traverse Bay. The Craftsman style architecture features a stone fa ade and abundant windows providing picturesque waterfront views and lots of natural light. Wood floors and custom cabinetry in many suites complement the Brazilian cherry wood finishes throughout. The subject neighborhood is an area of mixed commercial use along West Grand Traverse Bay on both sides of M-22 (S. West Bay Shore) between US-31 to the south and Cherry Bend Road to the north. This area is located on the northwest side of the Traverse City metropolitan area. Zoning is predominately Neighborhood Commercial and Commercial Office with Commercial and Shoreline Commercial zoning just to the north in Elmwood Township. The bulk of commercial development surrounding the subject consists of office buildings, restaurants, a car service facility, gas stations, grocery store and private yacht club. A Confidentiality Agreement is available upon request to obtain more detail on the offering.

Real Estate Listing in Traverse City on 7 - 13919 S West Bayshore Drive data

Listing was proposed For Sale on www.corbizrealestate.com at Nov 09/2013 02:45:17. This Unspecified Real Estate listing was updated on the site on Sun Feb 16/2014 17:34:19. The status of the Unspecified Real Estate is For Sale that means that any expected clients can send inquiry about this listing. The value of the property is $450000.00. Current house includes 14 pictures assigned to it and for other pics you can email or call listing owner.

Property Placement

The listing location are: 7 - 13919 S West Bayshore Drive, Traverse City, MI 49684. You can check StreetView and Google Map to get More information about Unspecified Real Estate Geographic Location.

The total square foot area of the realty is 2548.00000.

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Residential property for sale.

Details Info about this row that located on 7 - 13919 S West Bayshore Drive, Traverse City, MI 49684 was got from trusty sources, but Corbiz Real Estate can't guarantee that details about listing price, status, facts, images and owner are correct, because this listing can be changed or removed from market without notice. If You need to receive additional details about this property try to ask directly listing agent or owned.

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