303 Islander Dr, Sitka, AK 99835 listing details

  • 303 Islander Dr image #1
  • 303 Islander Dr image #2
  • 303 Islander Dr image #3
  • 303 Islander Dr image #4
  • 303 Islander Dr image #5
$ 136,000
  • Property Type: Single Family
  • Status: For Sale By Owner
  • Status Type:
  • Buildings: 1
  • Added: 12/11/2013
  • Last Update: 05/09/2016
  • Bedrooms: 4
  • Bedroom: 1
  • Home: Single-Family
  • Ceiling: Vaulted
  • Windows: Double-Pane
  • Parking: RV
  • Floors: Laminate
  • Architecture: Loft
  • Exterior: Wood
  • Roof: Metal
  • Heating Fuel: propane
  • Lot Size: 6
    960 sqft
  • View: Water
  • Area: Barbeque
  • size: 0.89 acres
Absolute Amazing Location!!! Best Priced WATER FRONT PROPERTY in SE Alaska!! PRICED far below ZILLOW'S "ZESTIMATION" DIRECT BEACH ACCESS AND FANTASTIC VIEWS. Like 99% of all other towns and cities in SE Alaska, access is only by Boat or Plane. That's why it's still wild and the "last frontier" No Property Taxes and No building permits required!! FREE MORRAGE ON STATE OWNED/MAINTAINED DOCK DIRECTLY IN FRONT OF HOUSE!! NEWLY remodeled, turned key, cute cabin with new siding, paint, vinyl double pane windows, exterior fiberglass doors, new wrap around hea...vy duty decks and steps, NEW electrical wiring system, NEW 400 watt solar system, 3000 watt inverter, batteries, and NEW board walk egress and regress. New waterproof Luxury Vinyl Planks on first floor. Laminate Entry and hardwood in Loft. Located on Baranof Island only about 70 miles south of Sitka just on the inside of Chatham Strait. This property is located on the prime Tract A that faces Southwest with excellent sun (great solar powered) and good protection. Excellent fishing and hunting area. New bulkhead and large, level lot...room for garden and additional expansion/buildings. City maintained water system for only $100/year. Newer septic system. Bathroom has simple clean fiberglass shower stall, vanity, and standard toilet with new floors, all work perfect. I fish locally and ALWAYS have more than enough fish. There are lots of Black tail deer, brown bear, goats and hundreds of bays, inlets, coves, straits, points, etc. and only 6 miles to open Pacific Ocean that can have epic fishing when conditions allow. Additionally there are three private and State/Federally owned salmon hatcheries all within an hour or so PLUS very significant natural runs of Kings, Silvers, Pinks and Chums. Also common and plentiful are Halibut, Ling-cod, Black Cod (deep water), Yellow eye, Herring, "Hooligan" (smelt), Crab, Shrimp, and 20 or so species of both pelagic and non-pelagic Rock fish. The first floor has a kitchen and great room, bath, mud room downstairs and an upstairs loft with 4 comfortable, custom made beds. The kitchen has a 4 burner gas stove, cabinets, sink, and two refrigerators. Nothing fancy but the price is most affordable, cozy, warm and dry AND the location is SPECTACULAR as are the views and ease of access to the dock and the calmer waters of Chatham Strait and the fantastic Pacific Ocean. A large, level lot allows easy additions or build a larger home, shop, or storage. The housing recession is over and chances are good this housing trend will continue growing especially after such a long "dry" depressed market. Great bargain for waterfront property IN GOOD CONDITION at this price in the USA? The neighbors are great and the town is generally friendly. In short, it's a sportsman's paradise!! Terms are available on OAC with 30% down at 5% interested amortized over 30 years all due in 3 years? I will offer a 3% commi Show more

Real Estate Listing in Sitka on 303 Islander Dr description

Real estate listing was recorded For Sale on www.corbizrealestate.com at 12/11/2013. This Single Family Home listing was updated on the web site on Jan 28/2014 06:07:53. The status of the Single Family Home is For Sale that means that any prospective buyers can send inquiry about this property. The price of the listing is $1800000.00. This property doesn't contains pics assigned to it.

Realty Geographic Location

The realty location are: 303 Islander Dr, Sitka, AK 99835. You can see StreetView above to get Complete facts about Single Family Home Geo Location.

Amount of rooms and Living area info

This realty unit provides with four bedrooms plus four toilets.

Property agent contact details

You will surely discover the all your questions are answered by agent and they will assist you in reviewing the estate as well as closing the deal if you wish to proceed.

Residential property for sale.

Details Info about this row that located on 303 Islander Dr, Sitka, AK 99835 was got from trusty sources, but Corbiz Real Estate can't guarantee that details about listing price, status, facts, images and owner are correct, because this listing can be changed or removed from market without notice. If You need to receive additional details about this property try to ask directly listing agent or owned.

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