Verona Plan, Mechanicsville, VA 23116 listing details

$ 348,990
  • Property Type: Single Family
  • Status: Available
  • Status Type:
  • Buildings: 1
  • Added: 05/19/2014
  • Last Update: 10/30/2015
  • Bedrooms: 4
New community in Mechanicsville, VA offering 4 home plan options to choose from. Have you been waiting for the perfect home in the perfect location? Are you looking to move up without moving away? Do you want to be close to award winning Atlee schools and have a larger lot? If you answered yes, then wait no more! I have the perfect community for you! Cool Spring Forest is now re-opened! Cool Spring Forest is an established community offering you the convenience of living in the heart of Atlee with privacy for your family. Schools located only 2 miles from the community meaning less travel for you and your loved ones. Within minutes to everyday shopping such as Kroge... r, CVS, and Dunkin Donuts and a short 15 minute drive to downtown Richmond. Commuting is easy, only 2 miles from I-295 freeing you up to spend more time with your friends and family. Does your next home need to be in a top notch school system for your children? Cool Spring Forest has that too! With Atlee schools ranked near the top in the state, your children will get the education they need and deserve! Been looking at new homes but don't like how close they are? Cool Spring Forest has lots as large as 1/3 of an acre. Our private wooded home sites will give you the space you have been looking for! Want the right price but also all the “extras”? I’ve got that too! Each home comes with a side load garage entry, a brick or stone exterior, luxury kitchen package, and hardwood flooring all from the $380’s. Let’s talk Community Website Show more

Real Estate Listing in Mechanicsville on Verona Plan details

Single Family Home was proposed For Sale on at 05/19/2014. This Single Family Home listing was updated on the site on Oct 30/2015 19:25:47. The status of the Single Family Home is For Sale that allows of any prospective buyers can send inquiry about this property. The value of the property is $348990.00. This listing doesn't haves pictures assigned to it.

Listing Geo Location

The listing address are: Verona Plan, Mechanicsville, VA 23116. You can review Google StreetView and Map to get Full facts about Single Family Home Placement.

Quantity of rooms and Living area details

This property unit includes with four bedrooms and 2 toilets.

Realtor contact info

You will surely find the all your questions are answered by realtor plus they will help you in reviewing the home as well as closing the deal if you desire to proceed.

Residential property for sale.

Details Info about this row that located on Verona Plan, Mechanicsville, VA 23116 was got from trusty sources, but Corbiz Real Estate can't guarantee that details about listing price, status, facts, images and owner are correct, because this listing can be changed or removed from market without notice. If You need to receive additional details about this property try to ask directly listing agent or owned.

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