Little Boone Creek Rd, Sullivan, MO 63080 listing details

  • Little Boone Creek Rd Sullivan, MO 63080
$ 607,500
  • Property Type: Lots and Land
  • Status: Available
  • Status Type:
  • Buildings: 1
  • Added: 10/03/2013
  • Last Update: 10/05/2013
This property is set up for horses or cattle or both. There is a 60x100 pole barn that has water and electric, and automatic waterers. There are 135 acres m/l, about 60% pasture and 40% woods. The entire property is fenced and cross fenced. There are 2 ponds and a wet weather creek. Some beautiful spots to build your dream home with excellent view of the rolling hillside.

Real Estate Listing in Sullivan on Little Boone Creek Rd review

Listing was recorded For Sale on from 10/03/2013. This Lots and Land listing was updated on the site on Oct 05/2013 22:36:49. The status of the Lots and Land is For Sale that means that any prospective customers can send inquiry about this listing. The value of the property is $607500.00. Current home contains 14 pictures assigned to it and for more photos you can email or telephone listing agent.

Realty Placement

The realty address are: Little Boone Creek Rd, Sullivan, MO 63080. You can see Google StreetView and Map to get Complete information about Lots and Land Placement.

Property agent contact information

You will surely find the all your questions are answered by agent and they will collaborate you in reviewing the asset as well as closing the deal if you desire to proceed.

Residential property for sale.

Details Info about this row that located on Little Boone Creek Rd, Sullivan, MO 63080 was got from trusty sources, but Corbiz Real Estate can't guarantee that details about listing price, status, facts, images and owner are correct, because this listing can be changed or removed from market without notice. If You need to receive additional details about this property try to ask directly listing agent or owned.

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