Lot 8 Sutton Rd, Minocqua, WI 54548 listing details

$ 34,500
  • Property Type: Realty
  • Status: Available
  • Status Type:
  • Buildings: 1
  • Added: 05/07/2014
  • Last Update: 05/16/2014
  • Roof: Unknown
  • Style: Other
About Lot 8 Sutton Rd, Minocqua, WI 54548 Exceptional 5.32 Acre Wilderness Estates Parcel in Minocqua. Multiple outstanding building sites amongst the forest of hardwoods and some pines with a brand new blacktopped road for easy access. Superior terrain and setting in the new development that is conveniently located in the town of Minocqua. Only minutes from commerce, schools, hospitals and only 1 mile from the brand new Minocqua Sports Complex (Little League, soccer, walking trails, etc!). This is a big, private lot; a rare commodity so close to town. New survey and underground electric / telephone is at the lot line. If you like to XC ski and snowshoe you are only minutes from Minocqua Winter Park! If you like snowmobiling you are close to the trails. If you like nature in general, it will be right outside your door. Seclusion and Northwoods serenity is found in Wilderness Estates in Minocqua and all for an attractive value!

Realty Listing in Minocqua on Lot 8 Sutton Rd review

Real estate listing was recorded For Sale on www.corbizrealestate.com at 05/07/2014. Selected Unspecified Real Estate listing was updated on the web site on May 16/2014 20:44:11. The status of the Unspecified Real Estate is For Sale that means that any future consumers can send inquiry about this property. The price of the property is $34500.00. This property doesn't includes photos assigned to it.

Realty Geo Location

The Unspecified Real Estate address are: Lot 8 Sutton Rd, Minocqua, WI 54548. You can check StreetView or Map to get More information about Unspecified Real Estate Placement.

Agent contact information

You will surely find the all your questions are answered by realtor and they will help you in reviewing the listing as well as closing the deal if you wish to proceed. If you are interested in following up more on this realty, you can contact with Coldwell Banker Mulleady Inc., Realtors by the following contact info: (800) 472-3410 .

Residential property for sale.

Contact Info

Coldwell Banker Mulleady Inc., Realtors: [email protected], (800) 472-3410 8262 Highway 51 South, P.O. Box 1030, Minocqua, WI 54548

Details Info about this row that located on Lot 8 Sutton Rd, Minocqua, WI 54548 was got from trusty sources, but Corbiz Real Estate can't guarantee that details about listing price, status, facts, images and owner are correct, because this listing can be changed or removed from market without notice. If You need to receive additional details about this property try to ask directly listing agent or owned.

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