340-342-344 Center Street, Jacksonville, NC 28540 listing details

$ 485,000
  • Property Type: Realty
  • Status: Available
  • Status Type:
  • Building Size: 36,590 SF
  • Buildings: 1
  • Added: 12/04/2013
  • Last Update: 12/27/2013
  • Heat: Heat Pump
  • Roof: Unknown
  • Air Conditioning: Heat Pumps
  • Style: Other
  • Exterior: Wood
About 340-342-344 Center Street, Jacksonville, NC 28540 There are 3 office buildings on this 0.87 acres of land off Center Street. The first (340, 1260 ht.sq.ft) has a waiting area with a reception window, office located behind window. The first two offices are located on the right going down the hallway. Next on the right opens up to a kitchenette area that has plenty of cupboard space, a spot for a fridge, room for a small table, and a drinking fountain. In the back left is a conference room; beyond that is his/hers restrooms. The second building (342, 1260 ht.sq.ft) has a waiting room with an office directly ahead. Turn right down the hallway to find 3 additional offices and a conference room. There is a large common/multipurpose area. The kitchenette has room for a mini fridge. His/hers restrooms located in the back. The third building (344, 2000 ht.sq.ft) has a waiting are with a reception window, office located behind. Down the hallway you will find 7 additional offices and a conference room. The kitchenette has room for a full size fridge, has a two burner counter-top stove with hood fan, and room for a table. The rear of the building has his/hers restrooms. Behind all three building is a two bay garage with two restrooms and a small office. The larger building up front (344) is currently Leased for $1,750 and the garage warehouse (340-1) is leased for $600 per month. Total potential income per year is $52,000. The building (340) on the far right is rented for $950/month. The other building (342) is listed for rent for $950/month.

Real Estate Listing in Jacksonville on 340-342-344 Center Street info

Real estate listing was placed For Sale on www.corbizrealestate.com from Dec 04/2013 01:46:37. This Unspecified Real Estate listing was updated on the web site on Fri Dec 27/2013 14:32:47. The status of the Unspecified Real Estate is For Sale that allows of any prospective clients can ask about this listing. The cost of the Real Estate is $485000.00. This listing doesn't includes pics assigned to it.

Unspecified Real Estate Placement

The Unspecified Real Estate placement are: 340-342-344 Center Street, Jacksonville, NC 28540. You can check StreetView above to get Full details about Unspecified Real Estate Geographic Location.

The total SF area of the realty is 36590.00000.

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Residential property for sale.

Details Info about this row that located on 340-342-344 Center Street, Jacksonville, NC 28540 was got from trusty sources, but Corbiz Real Estate can't guarantee that details about listing price, status, facts, images and owner are correct, because this listing can be changed or removed from market without notice. If You need to receive additional details about this property try to ask directly listing agent or owned.

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